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Official website optimization and maintenance plan for Department of Water Quality Protection, EPA

Department of Water Quality Protection of EPA is responsible for the management of the water quality of the surface water bodies including rivers, reservoirs, lakes and oceans. In order to effectively manage, master, prevent, eliminate and mitigate the pollution, the WQPD implements the appropriate management tools to enhance the quality of water environment. In order to keep the public informed of the current state of control strategies and implementation, and to facilitate the rapid access to relevant information, a dedicated website for water quality protection was established to provide a platform for communication with the public. The structure of the water quality protection network (hereinafter referred to as the official website) is mainly composed of three parts. The first part is the contents of the present business promotion. The second part is the case of Erren River. It presents the history and effect of the river remediation. The third part is providing the query function of the water quality by RPI. The style of official website is designed with a large number of various figure or photos. It will attract people to read text, and help people understand the water quality protection to promote the direction and effectiveness of efforts. In addition to the establishment of the official website, the project produces a micro-movie, "resources of Animal manure" as the theme. The film is shooting in the pastures and produced with the industry's oral narration to show the process of animal manure change to useful resources, at the same time, showing the corresponding use of technology. Through this website and related work, the concept of water quality protection will be passed on to the public. At the same time, the efforts of EPA in water quality protection could be more easily penetrated into the public.
Official website, river pollution Index (RPI), micro movie